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Old Blog, Meet New Blog

Hi there! Not that this blog has ever been very active, but I wanted to announce a newer, also not very active blog that has taken the place of this one. I have been slowly rebranding Roams and Writes, so to speak. This website and the social media pages for it were originally for travel writing and to promote my book, but these days I don't do much writing or book promotion. Instead of letting it all go dead, I have been revamping my professional website to include an adventure section featuring my landscape photography from backpacking trips, a blog for photography updates and trip stories, and my book. The url for now goes to there instead of here. I have changed my instagram account from RoamsandWrites to RealDesertGirlShit (very professional, I know), which I am using for adventure stuff, and mostly photography. Feel free to give me a follow!

If you are on the email list for this blog, I would appreciate it if you would sign up for my new one! Don't worry, you won't receive many emails. Thanks to everyone for following along and supporting my many adventures, on and off the computer!

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© 2020 Bridget MH

Travel Writing & Photography

San Diego, California

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